Intended for:
For managers of different types of organizations, different levels and experience, to improve Planning, Delegation, Control, as well as Communication.
Planning, Delegation and Control are important core competencies of a manager.
Planning, Delegation and Control are important core competencies of a manager.
With planning and delegation, everything seems to be clear: plan, delegate and start waiting for news about achieved results! However, experienced managers will see at least irony in the previous sentence, if not outright sarcasm. Why is it?
First of all, getting detailed clarity about the plans is not easy even for yourself.
Secondly, once the plan is formulated, it is much more difficult to convey all the nuances to colleagues.
However, the driver's challenges do not end there. Which doer lacks resources? Scheduled jobs overlap? Is there a wrong sequence of jobs scheduled somewhere? Managers most often find out about it when the implementation of plans has started. And how to control the work progress?
The solution to these challenges can be sought through more nuanced questions. How does a person think? How to communicate works and plans according to the thinking mechanisms of the doers? How to delegate more effectively? How to define measurable goals? How to define goals in conditions of gradual development, but how - in conditions of rapid development? How to control the execution of plans? How to implement these steps also in remote work conditions?
Answers to these and other questions - in the Kārlis Apkalns seminar "Effective leader #2. Visual Planning, Delegation, Control”.
Benefits of the course:
Improved efficiency of Planning, Delegation and Control with:
discussed the most common planning errors, as well as tools for their elimination;
aggregate planning, delegation and control techniques;
working methods tested and tried in exercises;
handy handouts for repetition and skill maintenance.
Course format:
Trainings are provided remotely on the Zoom video conference platform;
In the seminar, 30% of the time is devoted to theory, and 70% of the time to exercises, case analysis, moderated group discussions and mutual exchange of experiences;
Participant collaboration is provided in Miro's remote digital whiteboard environment;
An example of Miro board activities from similar tutorials can be found below.
Kārlis Apkalns
MBA (Riga Business School).
Latvia's TOP business trainer, has created seminars on 20+ topics.
He has trained top-level managers of the Latvian state administration, the teams of the Bank of Latvia and the University of Latvia, the State Revenue Service, Latvenergo administration teams, leading Latvian start-up companies and 400 other organizations.
Works with students of the Riga School of Economics (SSE Riga).
He writes a blog dedicated to management topics at
4 online learning sessions | 16 academic hours
Sesija I
4 akadēmiskās stundas
Kas ir produktivitāte? Kā to sasniegt?
Izaicinājumi profesionālajā vidē
Kā optimizēt informācijas plūsmu?
Nogriežņi / Fiziskā organizēšana
Kā kārtot darbu plūsmu?
Ergonomika / Telpas attīrīšana
Kā kontrolēt fizioloģiju?
Gaiss / Ūdens / Prāts
Produktivitātes izaicinājumi
Darba organizācijas prakse
Izmantotie telpas risinājumi
Izmantotie ķermeņa vadības rīki
Sesija II
4 akadēmiskās stundas
Kā optimizēt digitālo informāciju plūsmu?
E-pasti / Informācijas glabāšana u.c.
Kā automatizēt rutīnas darbus?
Dokumenti u.c. automatizācija
Kā monitorēt sevi un savu fizioloģiju?
Digitālie asistenti
Kā ieviest praktiskas izmaiņas ikdienā
Turpmāko soļu plāns
Informācijas vadības prakse
Izmantotie digitālie rīki
Iemīļotās aplikācijas un digitāli rīki
Praktisko rīcību plāns