Intended for:
For business professionals:
who manage companies and projects, make deals, buy and sell products, services, ideas and themselves;
who want to improve their business negotiation results.
We negotiate daily, hourly in fact, to grow our business, satisfy our interests, and gain what we don't currently have by interacting with others.
Achieving these goals is not easy and is becoming increasingly difficult: the complexity and unpredictability of the business environment is growing, business models are becoming more complex and competition is more relentless. Often we come into contact with people whose conversation style is foreign to us, uncomfortable, even unacceptable.
How to significantly improve the results of business negotiations in this anxious time?
Looking for an answer to this challenge, a series of other questions arise: How to balance maximum benefits for yourself and relationships with partners? How to avoid making concessions on issues that are important to you? How to recognize the relevant information about the interests and needs of the parties? How to effectively negotiate with non-constructive partners who manipulate, lie and behave aggressively? How to effectively resolve conflict situations?
We will find the answers to these and other questions in the course "Business negotiations for professionals" by Daniel Pavlyutas.
Benefits of the course:
As a result of the course, negotiators will get:
a clear understanding of the main strategies and styles of negotiation;
the ability to proactively manage the course of negotiations in the desired direction;
the practice of using effective communication methods to influence partners;
anticipate and constructively manage conflict situations;
recognize and neutralize various aggressive and manipulative tactics.
Course format:
lectures and interactive discussions;
analysis of participants' practical experiences and cases;
interaction and practical tasks in the online Miro environment;
Harvard Negotiation Project role plays;
practical tasks and exercises for developing skills.
Daniels Pavļuts
Management teacher and business coach with 15+ years of experience.
Experienced multidisciplinary management professional with reform, change and crisis management experience.
In 2007, he obtained a master's degree in public management with a specialization in leadership at Harvard University's Kennedy School.
LR Minister of Economy (2011-2014) and Health (2021-2022).
He has advised companies and government organizations in Latvia, the Baltic States, Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Moldova and Kosovo.
Guest lecturer at Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, Riga Business School, RISEBA, Banking University.
Conducted trainings for Nasdaq Baltic, Bayer Baltic, Repharm, Madara Cosmetics, Printful, Visma, DnB Bank, Deloitte Latvia, Bucher Municipal, Kuehne & Nagel, Linstow Center Management, Krassky, Squalio, Mintos and many other companies.
“Biznesā kā dzīvē – mēs saņemam ne to, kas mums pienākas, bet to, par ko spējam vienoties”
(Chester L. Karrass)
2 days in person | 16 academic hours
Diena I
8 akadēmiskās stundas
Galvenie pārrunu stratēģijas elementi
Pārrunu taktikas un psiholoģiskie paņēmieni
Kognitīvās kļūdas, to pielietojums pārrunās
Profesionāla gatavošanās pārrunām
Gatavošanās sarežģītām pārrunām
Rīki daudzfaktoru biznesa pārrunu vadībai
Taktikas pārrunās ar augstām likmēm
Pārrunas “bez pārrunām” jeb pārrunu konteksta ietekmēšana
Grupas diskusija
Divpusēja lomu spēle
Dalībnieku pieredzes un situāciju apspriešana
Paaugstinātas sarežģītības lomu spēle
Grupas diskusija
Mājas darbs:
dalībnieku gadījumu analīze Miro kopstrādes vidē
Diena II
8 akadēmiskās stundas
Daudzpusēju pārrunu dinamika
Koalīciju veidošanas un bloķēšanas principi
Sagatavošanās daudzpusējām sarunām
Starptautiska un starpkultūru specifika
Daudzpusēju biznesa pārrunu izaicinājumi un rīki to pārvarēšanai
Pārrunas pirms un paralēli galvenajām pārrunām
Moderatora lomas potenciāls
Lomu spēle
Dalībnieku gadījumu analīze
Daudzpusējas biznesa situācijas izspēle
Grupas diskusija
Analītiski rīki turpmākai izmantošanai Miro vidē