Intended for:
For middle and senior managers to strengthen organizational stability and resilience to environmental changes.
The second decade of the 21st century seems to be only warming up, bringing more and more new turns in events that severely affect the well-being of the whole world. Instability and uncertainty reign in various market sectors, undermining the viability of companies. Just when we seem to have overcome this crisis, the next blow hits us.
History shows that major or minor crises happen regularly, at least once a decade, but only the rare company is prepared for them. We observed this very clearly a year ago, when without downtime benefits, companies lost their viability within a month. Many have never returned to the market.
The blow, which is likely to await us in the autumn, will be decisive for many in the fight to survive in the event of a severe economic recession.
Is it possible to do something today to soften the fall or even better - use the crisis to your advantage?
How have companies that survived two world wars, the Great Depression in the 1930s in the USA and all other recessions of the last century survived and strengthened their positions in the market? How to smartly prepare for future crises so that you don't have to rely on state benefits and loans as the only means of survival? How not to lose what we have dreamed and built for years?
We will find answers to these and other questions in Karlina Anna Rosenfeld's seminar "Process optimization in the company".
Benefits of the course:
Gained an insight into the day-to-day performance of the more commonly used Lean system tools, understanding how to adapt them to your industry and use them systematically and correctly with:
understanding the nuances of creating a functioning system;
for practical tasks for immediate optimization of various processes;
positive examples and "what not to do" stories from various industries;
analysis of the applicability of various Lean tools for the specifics of industries.
Course format:
lectures and discussions;
analysis and systematization of personal experience;
homework and analysis of common experiences;
video analysis of similar training participants' exercises.

Karlīna Anna Rozenfelde
Certified Lean management system implementation trainer and business development coach.
15+ years of experience in managing the development of companies and organizations, improving human resources and processes.
Managing change projects.
The manager of "Izaugsmes kvartāls" - the company's experience has been formed by implementing Lean principles in both administrative and production units in Latvia since 2009.
Work efficiency in these companies has increased by 30-35%.
The largest projects: AE Partner in Liepāja (production of electrical panels), Jelgavas Tipografija (book printing), Dižozols Plus (design furniture production), Latgale planning region (2018 project with the aim of informing all LPR municipalities about Lean principles), ATEA Global Services (shared service center), etc.
3 Online Training Sessions | 12 academic hours
Session I
4 academic hours
The emergence of the Lean management system
What can we learn from the optimization pioneers?
Basic principles of proper process optimization
What makes it exciting for the team?
Lean system construction model
What is the decisive factor for successful application?
Value stream mapping
When, what and how to measure?
Separating valuable from non-valuable processes
Analysis of specific processes in your company - preparation stage for optimization
Session II
4 academic hours
Viewing homework
What optimization opportunities have we seen?
In-depth insight into losses in company processes
Are we missing the quick "money"?
Loss prevention methodologies
Shall we eliminate the cause or only the effect?
Loss prevention system in the company
Will my colleagues know how to do it right?
Work in groups:
Practical process optimization in the workplace
Seeing wrong process steps in a given situation
Session III
4 academic hours
The value of visual management in the organization
How many resources are we losing by not following a basic step?
Is it really only for big corporations?
KPI, Gemba Walk, etc. accounting tools
Where and how do most resources disappear?
Workforce involvement in process optimization
How to avoid serious mistakes in Lean implementation?
Creating an efficient work process
Increasing the productivity of the work environment