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The ABCs of Project Management

Date: Continued application | Time:13:30-17:00 | Place: Online Learning | Membership fees: 295 EUR + VAT

Intended for:

For project managers and managers for beginners, those involved in projects, without a theoretical basis of knowledge.



Project management is nothing new these days. There is probably no industry or field where the project approach is foreign. Although the word Project seems clear to everyone, yet again and again mistakes are made in seemingly simple situations.

Just a few examples of mistakes: Goals are not set accurately in projects, project stages are not defined and respected, accurate communication is not maintained within the team and with external partners. And getting into these situations repeatedly, there is a reason to ask the question - do we really know these seemingly simple things?


How to manage projects and find appropriate management tools for each situation?

The solution to this challenge requires answering more nuanced questions. How to manage a project in different organizational cultures? How to define a project goal? How to understand the scope of the project? How to create a project plan and successfully control it? What is the difference between a classic waterfall or an iterative agile approach? How to manage project risks? How to identify the parties involved in the project, the roles and responsibilities of the project? How to implement changes in the project? What to do at the end of the project?

We will look for answers to these questions in the "ABC of Project Management" seminar by Karlina Anna Rosenfeld.

Benefits of the course:

Improved ability of course participants to manage projects more effectively with:

  • a review of the most popular examples of project management mistakes;

  • tools and methods for the implementation of the main stages of the project;

  • practical daily project management knowledge;

  • discussion of current project management situations for the participants;

  • a set of learning materials useful for repeating knowledge.

Course format:


  • knowledge transfer format: mini-lectures on basic theory in combination with individual and group tasks;

  • the proportion of the practical part in studies – 60-70%;

  • feedback is provided by both the instructor and group members;

  • there is an opportunity to receive a teacher's consultation on the participant's project management challenges in work practice.

Karlīna Anna Rozenfelde

Karlina Anna Rosenfeld.png
  • Certified Lean management system implementation trainer and business development coach.

  • 15+ years of experience in managing the development of companies and organizations, improving human resources and processes.

  • Managing change projects.

  • The manager of "Izaugsmes kvartāls" - the company's experience has been formed by implementing Lean principles in both administrative and production units in Latvia since 2009.

  • Work efficiency in these companies has increased by 30-35%.

  • The largest projects: AE Partner in Liepāja (production of electrical panels), Jelgavas Tipografija (book printing), Dižozols Plus (design furniture production), Latgale planning region (2018 project with the aim of informing all LPR municipalities about Lean principles), ATEA Global Services (shared service center), etc.


3 online training sessions | 12 academic hours

Sesija I




4 akadēmiskās stundas


Kāpēc projekti izdodas, kāpēc neizdodas?
Kāda ir projektu loma organizācijās?

  • Projektu vadības process un kultūra

Kas ir un kas nav projekts?

  • Būtiski kritēriji un to sekas

Kādi ir projekta norises posmi?

  • Projekta cikls, tā saturs un nozīme 



Dalībnieku aktualitātes



Dalībnieku projekti


Biežākās projektos piedzīvotās kļūdas

Sesija II



4 akadēmiskās stundas


Ievads: Kā kļūdāmies projektus uzsākot?
Kas jāpaveic ierosinot projektu?

  • Ieinteresētās puses un to gaidas  

Kā vadīt nodevumu savstarpējās atkarības?

  • Savstarpējo atkarību vizualizēšana

Kā plānot laika un izmaksu ietvaru?  

  • Biežākās kļūdas, iespējami risinājumi



Ieinteresētās puses, to gaidas



Savstarpējās atkarības

Sesija III



4 akadēmiskās stundas


Ievads: Kāpēc un kā plānošana var noiet greizi?
Kā noteikt projekta mērķus?

  • Svarīgākie kritēriji. SMART mērāmi mērķi

Kā veidot projekta komandu?  

  • Dalībnieku lomas / kompetences

Kā plānot un vadīt projekta riskus?

  • Iespēja / Iespaids / Kontroles izmaksas



Projekta SMART mērķi



Projekta risku karte

Sesija IV



4 akadēmiskās stundas


Ievads: Kas ir svarīgākie aspekti projekta gaitā?
Kā panākt iesaistīto informētību?

  • Komunikācijas principi un paņēmieni

Kā kontrolēt un motivēt dalībniekus?

  • Kontroles rīki. Motivācijas rīki

Kā analizēt pabeigtus projektus?

  • Projektu rezultāti vs. Projektu pieredze



Komunikācijas pietiekamības tests



Pieredzes analīzes forma



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