Stratēģiju konference
Kā redzēt tālāk?
Date: May 11, 2023 | Time: 11:00-16:00 | Place: Stabu Street 18c, Willa Theater
Mariners know what fog horns are - Fog Horn. They are installed near lighthouses and sometimes on ships to provide landmarks for determining a safe driving direction in conditions of unclear visibility.
In previous years, the leaders of Latvian and global organizations have forced their teams to lead their teams in conditions of unprecedented uncertainty, one might say – fog. The Covid-19 pandemic and the resulting changes in the work practices of organizations had not yet subsided when Russia's invasion of Ukraine shook the security situation and energy prices.
We would like to hope for "finally calm working", but rational caution makes us realize that we have entered a period of constant turbulence. In many areas, there will continue to be rapid changes and great uncertainty, but decisions will have to be made in conditions of incomplete information.
How to prepare your organizations to operate in conditions of uncertainty?
What would be the safest driving landmarks?
What Fog Horn will lead you through murky situations to calm waters?
Stratēģijas formulēšana aktualizē daudzas dilemmas, piemēram:
Ņemt vērā ārējo vidi un iekšējās spējas – datu apkopošana prasa laika un pūliņus;
Būt reālistiskai, bet arī izaicinošai – praksē nav vienkārši to sabalansēt;
Vienoties par prioritātēm – tas mēdz izraisīt cīņu starp departamentiem;
Izšķirties “ko darīt” un arī “ko nedarīt” – daudzi tam nav gatavi;
Ko iekļaut un ko neiekļaut stratēģijā – par šo katram ir savs viedoklis.
Kā izveidot stratēģiju, kura izaicina, iedvesmo un attīsta?
At the conference, recognized management experts in the professional environment of Latvia will offer a methodological point of view corresponding to the current challenges - their Fog Horn:
*Konferencē uzstāsies arī viens īpašais pārsteiguma referents