Intended for:
For managers of different experience levels for improving people management skills.
The daily life of a manager is filled with tasks, duties and challenges: communicating with employees, managing daily operational tasks, achieving strategic goals. Often these goals have to be achieved under conditions of increased stress and despite the misunderstanding or resistance of those around.
How can a leader cope with these quite or "human-orchestral" challenges?
The good news is that there is a practical solution to this challenge! True, more nuanced questions need to be answered on the way to it. What are the roles of a manager? How to effectively communicate with the team? How to drive change and development? How to deal with employee resistance? How to delegate? What to devote your time and energy to? How does a Manager grow to the role of Leader?
Answers to these questions - in the seminar "Management of People" by Kārlis Apkalns.
Benefits of the course:
Improved manager people managementdriving quality with:
discussed the most frequent mistakes of managers and solutions for their correction;;
to learn the essentials for daily management workm skills;
handy handouts for repetition and skill maintenance.
collected for the most current management tools
Course format:
Trainings are provided remotely on the Zoom video conference platform;
In the seminar, 30% of the time is devoted to theory, and 70% of the time to exercises, case analysis, moderated group discussions and mutual exchange of experiences;
Participant collaboration is provided in Miro's remote digital whiteboard environment;
An example of Miro board activities from similar tutorials can be found below.
Kārlis Apkalns
MBA (Riga Business School).
Latvia's TOP business trainer, has created seminars on 20+ topics.
He has trained top-level managers of the Latvian state administration, the teams of the Bank of Latvia and the University of Latvia, the State Revenue Service, Latvenergo administration teams, leading Latvian start-up companies and 400 other organizations.
Works with students of the Riga School of Economics (SSE Riga).
He writes a blog dedicated to management topics at
4 online learning sessions | 16 academic hours
Diena I
8 akadēmiskās stundas
Vadīšanas Ievads: Kam vajadzīgas Vadības sistēmas?
Kā vadīt cilvēku?
Vadības sistēmu veidi
Kādas ir sekas personībās balstītai vadības praksei?
Kultūras kontrole
Kādas vadības sistēmas kad izmantot?
Value chain u.c.
Ievads: Kāpēc procesi ir jāformalizē?
Kādas ir svarīgākās procesu grupas?
Vadības / Pamata / Atbalsta procesi
Kā sākt procesu fiksēšanu un vadību organizācijā?
Procesu identificēšana un pirmie soļi
Kā veidot detalizētus procesus?
Procesu apzīmējumi & attēlošana
Dalībnieku aktualitātes
Vadības sistēmas uzņēmumā
Mūsu uzņēmuma vērtības ķēde
Mūsu procesa ainava (core process)
Savas organizācijas procesu arhitektūra
Procesu sanāksmes organizēšana
Diena II
8 akadēmiskās stundas
Ievads: Ko dod Mērīšanas sistēmas?
KO mērīt?
Laiks / Nauda / Kvalitāte / Elastība
KĀ mērīt? Ar ko atšķiras dažādi mērījumi?
ToDO/ ToHAVE/ ToBE u.c.
Kādi ir pakāpeniskās un straujās izaugsmes mērījumi?
KPI vs. O+KR sistēmas
Ievads: Kā lietot Vadības Sistēmas? Kā tās ieviest?
Kā kontrolēt organizācijas funkcionēšanu?
Prevention vs. Detention principi
Kādos soļos Vadības sistēmas praktiski ieviest?
Sistēmas ieviešanas vispārīgi soļi
Apkopojums: Kādas būs mūsu turpmākās rīcības?
Dalībnieku rīcības plāns
Mums svarīgākie mērījumi
Mērāmo parametru noteikšana
Vadības sistēmu ieviešanas plāns